Source Code

Mm fuck yeah

What Ryland baer says when he has sex

Rylands put his tiny ass dick in me and said Mm fuck yeah

by RxE454 August 1, 2023

1👍 1👎

Oh, yeah, I'm bringing you to Disney World

Oh, yeah, I'm bringing you to Disney World is, really, at the heart of it, the unfulfilled promise of an adult, usually parental figure, to bring the child somewhere exciting or new or fun, but, they never, ever, do it. Basically, narcissistic parenting.

Oh, yeah, I'm bringing you to Disney World, little Danny Boy. Definitely, we are going this summer. Tell all your little friends at school about it.

by Purplenado March 6, 2023

Yeah but

Cross between a yak and a rabbit.

Yeah but, the possibilities are limitless..

by Cpt. Miller October 18, 2020

Yeah, yeah, yeah --- arms around...

What you sarcastically grumble when everyone in a group seems to wanna get all cozy for no apparent reason.

(Spoken while dutifully cooperating in a huge "crowd embrace" of party-goers just to be polite and agreeable, but not really understanding why everyone wants to get all cozy) "Yeah, yeah, yeah --- arms around... aren't we all huggy-cuddly-snuggly LOVEY-DOVEY today!!"

by QuacksO April 16, 2019

Hellen Yeah

Its the same as saying Hell Yeah. Invented by the xbox gamer tag Im a fluff fart.

Want to go to the bar? Hellen Yeah!!

by Fluff fart June 23, 2019

Bananas yeah

Equivalent to Hell yeah.
Can also be used as What the hell?

Person 1: You wanna go see a movie?

Person 2: Bananas yeah!!!


Person 1: Then he just drove off.

Person 2: What the banana?

by Milford_Cubicle July 22, 2008

Yeah im tired

Pronounced "Yuuh im taid"
Meaning: A synonym of "im gonna have to pass"
Origin: FloRida
yall jits lit asf just telling yall about new words

You tryna hit a lick?
yeah im tired, you can go.

by Linkeylock May 22, 2021