Young individual whose parents had to go online to figure out how to make a baby.
We've got a whole generation of puta babies who are so retarded their parents had to use a com-puta to figure out whose hole to put the jizz in!
A child that was conceived under the pretext of Netflix and Chill.
My son is a Netflix Baby.
You don't make Netflix Babies if you Netflix and Jill.
A god, a meme, the definition or art. Or that Baby in the corner. Mind you it's a Baby with a capital B.
Baby Taiyo is cool
What you call your significant other whenever under the influence.
"I love you!"
"Dude baby, what is love?"
When one is so intoxicated that their walking ressembles that of a newborn baby giraffe; typically witnessed when college sorority girls in unusually high heels try to leave (i.e. stumble from) the bar after a night of frinks
"Man did you see Karah last night?! She was baby giraffing the whole way to the car!!"
a beautiful woman who is independent and all about her money and wellbeing
wow, look at her! so luxurious.
she’s a milk baby
A girl that has a lot of ass
Guy #1 (Kyle ) : yo bro that’s one thicc baby
Guy #2: what the fuck Kyle that’s my sister step the fuck up