Source Code

My body took a screenshot

All this means is. You get scared and you freeze for a second.

You see something scary and you freeze, when something scary happens fast and you freeze for a second until you react

oh my gawd, Bro my body took a screenshot, that bitch is scary. Danm

by WhOsToLeMyBluEsHaRpIe March 10, 2021

34πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

A body has been discovered

Its a announcement that plays when three or more people find a dead body in Danganronpa.

(Person A) AAAAHHHGGG!!!
(Person B) hmmm, strange
(Monokuma) A body has been discovered! Now then after a while a class trial will begin!

by Cool_Z00 December 22, 2020

Body-Ass Index

The direct relation of the size of one's body frame in proportion to the size of one's ass (most often implying a significant–-and undesirable--disparity).

Seriously, all the cookies and crap I inhale over the holiday season are murder on my body-ass index!

by chindent April 11, 2011

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Adjusted Body Count

The sum of the number of chicks you've banged multiplied by how hot they were

Bro, just because you hooked up with 20 girls don't mean jack squat. Most of those were fat girls and single moms. Chad over here now has had sex with 10 girls who were all blonde cheerleaders and sorority girls, his adjusted body count totally mogs yours

by D Flawless June 27, 2020

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

over my dead body

This phrase is a verbal objection to a proposed action, claiming that the author/speaker is willing to fight with every ounce of their life to prevent the action.

You want to take my kids away from me? Over my dead body!

*whips out a shotgun*

by Gumba Gumba April 14, 2004

219πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

student body president

see stub 'n sheets. i think you know who you are.

"so i'm having sex with this one armed chick all stub 'n sheet style..."
-student body president

by TM pooh 'n ho November 22, 2003

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

p body ass hoe

A shape given to a woman with big ass boobs , a flat ass and no waist

Wendy Williams a p body ass hoe

by DarnDaisy April 9, 2018

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž