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The phrase that became popular in 2018, It's still trending in 2020 so if anyone calls you "Boomer" be sure to evacuate the situation you just somehow stumbled upon to, Boomer is the common word for some one that is demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. In better terms... what I'm trying to say is that YOUR OLD!!! "Ok BoOmEr!!" Just never call your friends that or they with spam your DM's like crazy with "Boomer" memes

Stranger: Hey Boomer!

Me: -Le epicly jumps off a cliff-

Stranger: 😕

"The Boomers are out the mall, crashing parties"

by Taylor x Fanfiction (Opinions) February 20, 2020


Short for Boomerang. For example, a kidult failing to make their way in life, thus never able to completely cut the apron strings from mum and dad. Thus returning home to said mum and dad when the latest venture fails and need to return home for some free food and digs. All the while hating on said parents for actually managing their own formative years to provide for themselves and their selfish kids.

Like a boomerang, every time I chuck out his useless ass he returns like a Boomerang, hence the nickname for incompetent late age kids Boomer.

by AngryBoomer September 22, 2023


Is a form of slang that means that either they are to incompetent to argue with you so they resort to simple name calling or that you’re from the baby boomer generation and you’re being an old fart

Matt: “Well I think we could fix so and so if we did this”
Kyle:”ok boomer

by Big boah November 21, 2019


Boomer is an overweight (FATTTTT!!!!!!) person who plays a lot of video games also known as a gamer
The person also drinks a lot of energy drink

LtCobra called a gamer a boomer
My friend gibby is a boomer

by bigBoyPP February 18, 2019


Boomers disease (Bumeris Ignaris) is a condition affecting the Cerebellum.
Symptoms include: Denouncing increasing technological superiority to previous devices, Disregarding the great mental and physical benefits of new technology, The creation of hypocritical cartoons, Animations, Or just simple media (Articles, Etc) And the belief of superiority over newer generations.

According to research, Symptoms usually start to occur between the ages of 47 - 60, And usually the person experiencing these symptoms has contracted Boomers disease at the age of 44 - 54.

Other symptoms and effects have been suggested over the years and are being tested and proven by scientists in the University of Broland, Led by professor S. Rolf.

The Condition is very common among the baby boomer generation (1946 – 1964) And is becoming an increasing problem.

Person 1: The patient has been confirmed to have contracted the condition.
Person 2: Which condition?
Person 1: Boomers Disease
Person 2: God save him

by Chaddus Maximus May 27, 2020


A straight up old person, usually 100 years old (I made the 100 years thing up. Boomers are just old people.)

A 100 year old: "Hey can you give me my Nokia?"
Me: "Ok boomer."

by Me, Myself, and I! (Just Me!) March 17, 2021


Boomers are old people that are really cringeworthy. They are often people that are old, above 60, that use computers and laugh to jokes like someone that is getting shorter because he is looking at his iPad too much so his spine is broken. A boomer can be a person that is old and just stupid, like having down syndrome :)

Boomer: Ahahahahahah, look at this meme that says: iF sTrEss burned calories, I'd be a model.
Other people: What is this boomer

Boomers are people that are cringeworthy.

by Hersheyss November 5, 2019