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Muddy Clam

Performing oral sex on a girl while she is on her period.

My girl loves it when i give her a Muddy Clam!

by jstwnbby34 June 6, 2011

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gagging the clam

yet another term for female masturbation where the vagina is depicted as a clam

"i walked in on my mom gagging the clam last night... \wrists"

by sam the darknesss February 24, 2009

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Clam Dunk

When a guy lunges penis-first at a woman who is laying on a bed with her legs spread wide, aiming for her vagina.

This act has been derived from the words "Slam Dunk," and was widely used by Wilt Chamberlain in his effort to take the "ball to the hole" and "make those outside shots" in venues outside of the sporting arena.

Todd perfected his Clam Dunk form with a little practice, easily Clam Dunking into Sarah's obliterated snatch.

by WiltChamberlain November 7, 2011

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Clam slam

The female equivalent of a sausagefest.

When a bunch of girls get together to hang out.

I am gonna be busy this weekend, clam slam with the girls from back home.

I can't make it on Saturday, couple of us girls getting together for a clam slam

by amethyst1564 October 9, 2016

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clam slam

What two lesbians do: Slam their clams together. Duh?!?

Isa and Jackie are all scissor legged upstairs doing a clam slam

by LiveinSocal April 23, 2008

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Clam Slap

The action of slapping a mans face whilst trying to penetrate him anally to make the pain of said penetration lesser by distraction

For example

Dude its not going in


by SGTKM September 20, 2009

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clam ears

When your ears are so big and stick out the side of your head so much that they resemble that of a clam shell.

Damn that kid has clam ears. (also a good nickname)

by AQUAMAN2.0 March 22, 2011

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