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With great power comes great responsibility

With great power comes great responsibilty. One of uncle ben's last words in the best spiderman movie sam raimi's spiderman.

Remeber peter that with great power comes great responsibility.

by Pizzzatime August 29, 2017

21👍 1👎

Hey, you should come over

The best five words a single man can get from a girl on the phone.


Guy: Hello?

Girl: Hey, you should come over.

by TomKVideo December 9, 2008

67👍 8👎

What has my life come to?

That thought that runs through your mind as you are vigorously masturbating your micropenis to a weird hentai video or other obscene pornography, while your seven chins shine with all the sweat you have built up, that makes you stop stoking it and weep to yourself while contemplating suicide.

During his 7th j.o. session to incest tentacle hentai, in one day of course, Steve looked down at all his dirty plates, cum tissues, foreclosure notices, and shitty attempts at drawing his "waifu", and thought to himself "What has my life come to?" He then rocked back and forth in his underwear on the floor contemplating death the whole time before crying himself to sleep. Suicide depressed

by Lord Manatee July 19, 2017

45👍 5👎

we have come for your nectar!

what a spnogbob lookin bee says when he breaks into your house

Spongebob bee: we have come for your nectar!
*scroll down*

Squidward: GET THE F̶̙͍̗̞̻̹͔͎͌̓͆͂͒̈́͋͝U ̧̣͓̦̬̌C̵͈̟̘̩̹̱̗̗͍͒̈́͊͐̔͗̏̑̎̍́̓́̈K ̧̧̼͇̝͉̬̠͎̥̱̭̭͓̳̰͍̓́̇̾́ ̶̡̛̳͉͍̗̱̦͖͔͇͓̄̏̽̓́͋̂͌͝Ȏ̶̢͓̱͉̞͛̀̽̾̈͗̑̀͠U̴̘̩̱̣̜̗͍̻̬͍͊̑͋̏̑͊̀̾̊̌̚͜͝Ť̵̢̡̢̛̻͔̭̟̰̖̖̤̩̯͇̌̑͂̋̅̊̈́̇͠͠͝ ̢̧͙̗̺̬̜͈̰͉̬̭͇͎̈̀̈̈́̀̆Ō̴̠̣̒F ̼̙̠̖̣̰̤̠̙̫́̀̔͌͌͊̂͂̈́̀̌̕̕͠͝ͅ ̰̠͈͉̖͓̋̚͝M̴̨̟͔̞̲̺̞̣͉͔̳̬̍̾̽̂̋̅̄̄̇̇̀̅̑̄Y ̤̒̇͋̃͛̅̊͒̋͋̅͝͠͝ H ̴͝ ̶̅͝ ̴̴̶̶̇̾̽̀̕ ̵̵̶̔̐̕͝ ̛ ̵́̀ ̴̵̿̅̃ ̴̶̌̋̑ ̵̔̍ ͑ ̶̋̕ ̶̵̊̈́͘ ̀ ̶̴̵̵̂̉͒͗͗ ̴̶̵̴̴̶̵̶̶̒̓̃̔̒̾̔͘̚͘ ̍ ̵̴̇̋͝ ̵̶͋̌̚ ͊ ̵͗͝ ̴̶͐̍̈́ ̵̵̶͑̂̒̇ ̍ ̵̛̒ ͗ ̵̴͒̾̚ ̶̵̵͛͛͗͒ ̶̅͂ ̴͛̂ ̶̈́͋ ̵̋̈́ ͆ ̵̅̚ ̶̶̋̑̓ ̑ ̵̍͝ ̶̏̇ ̴̒̚ ́ ̔ ̀ ̵̀͒ ̓ ̈́ ̾ ̇ ̍ ̴̛̀ ̴̴͐͋͝ ̶̶̛̔̚ ̴̴̵̏̿̆͂ ̈́ ̶̶̴̵̋̈̂̑̚ ̵̿͊ ̈ ̵̂͛ ́ ̴̵̀̂̈́ ͂ ̶͒͠ ͌ ̴̵̵̏̅̓̓ ̵̵̄̃͆ ̵̶̶̴̵̵̶͊́̌̄̒̀͋͘ ̒ ̚ ̵̵̶̶͗͆̏̌̈́ ̵̶̎̋̽ ̶̛̽ ̊ ̄ ̶̽̒ ̶̴̀̐̚ ̇ ̎ ̄ ̴̏̏ ̶̾̐ ̵̴̵̵̶̵̶̴͐̎̒̒́̓͒̐͐ ͊ ̴̴̵̛̽͑̈́ ͋ ͠ ̵̴̴͌̆͋̀ ̴̶̵̵̶̵̴̵̵̵̆̋̊̃̂̆̀͐̈́͂͝ ̴̡͇ ̧ ̴̵̧̩͎ ̴̴̶͙̱̲͉ ̵̵̴̴̶̵̴̡̨̢̣͕̦̣͙ ̴̖̭ ̝ ̝ ̶̗̗ ̴͙͎ ̦ ̶̵̶̨͕̙̞ ̴̢ͅ ̪ ̖ ̶͉ͅ ̴͇͈ ̶̨̘ ͚ ̡ ̴̵̵̰͚̹͇ ̼ ̶̶̨̭ͅ ̴͍͜ OU

by shlumblo juice July 1, 2022

International Come Up With a Day Day

International Come up With a Day Day or (ICUWADD) is that day where you feel "wow my job is retarded" and decide to make up a holiday to miss work. Of course because your job always sucks this makes any day that isnt a real holiday (ICUWADD) and allows you to miss every day of work while still claiming a pay check.

Man: "My job sucks"
Joe: "Thats ok dude, its International Come Up With a Day Day"
Man: "I always forget that everyday is ICUWADD, thanks Joe!"

by nOmega November 10, 2009

17👍 2👎

Come Get Your Grape Juice

an exclamatory phrase of delight, commonly used in the discovery of a partner's fetish.

Bro1: I just learned my wife of two years loves anal.
Bro2: Come get your grape juice!

by shadalabadingdong December 4, 2014

41👍 5👎

fire coming out of the monkey's head

A song off Gorillaz's second album, Demon Days (or "Daemon Days"), which is narrated by Dennis Hopper. It is more of a story with music playing than a song. Either way, it is an entertaining tale of greedy invaders mining a once peaceful island.

Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head, by Gorillaz.

(Dennis Hopper)
Once upon a time at the foot of a great mountain, there was a town where the people known as Happyfolk lived, their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world, obscured as it was by great clouds. Here they played out their peaceful lives, innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below. To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough. Then one day Strangefolk arrived in the town. They came in camouflage, hidden behind dark glasses, but no one noticed them: they only saw shadows. You see, without the Truth of the Eyes, the Happyfolk were blind.

Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead,
the dance of the dead,
the dance of the dead

(Dennis Hopper)
In time, Strangefolk found their way into the higher reaches of the mountain, and it was there that they found the caves of unimaginable Sincerity and Beauty. By chance, they stumbled upon the Place Where All Good Souls Come to Rest. The Strangefolk, they coveted the jewels in these caves above all things, and soon they began to mine the mountain, its rich seam fueling the chaos of their own world. Meanwhile, down in the town, the Happyfolk slept restlessly,
their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls. Every day, people would wake and stare at the mountain. Why was it bringing darkness into their lives? And as the Strangefolk mined deeper and deeper into the mountain, holes began to appear, bringing with them a cold and bitter wind that chilled the very soul of them up. For the first time, the Happyfolk felt fearful for they knew that soon the Monkey would soon stir from its deep sleep. And then came a sound. Distant first, it grew into castrophany so immense it could be heard far away in space. There were no screams. There was no time. The mountain called Monkey had spoken. There was only fire. And then, nothing.

O little town in U.S.A, your time has come to see
There's nothing you believe you want
But where were you when it all came down on me?
Did you call me now

by Ben L. January 9, 2006

159👍 31👎