1. The son of one's grandparent's stepsibling.
2. The stepson of one's grandparent's sibling.
3. The son of one's stepgrandparent's sibling.
My step-cousin-uncle is a good person.
Grandparent's female first cousin.
My great-cousin-aunt is a good person.
Son of their grandparent’s full sibling with the other grandparent’s full sibling.
My double-first cousin-uncle is a good person.
Sixth-cousin-ten-times-removed (6C10R).
My sixth-cousin-10X-removed is a good person.
Ninth-cousin-thrice-removed (9C3R).
My ninth-cousin-3X-removed is a good person.
Tenth-cousin-eight-times-removed (10C8R).
My tenth-cousin-8X-removed is a good person.
Parent's male half-first cousin.
My half-first cousin-uncle is a good person.