Source Code

Sucking Fupid

Not 'fucking stupid', but Sucking Dick.

Mabdaence 3rd, 9999
"Babe? Want to have a long sucking fupid time today?" Arin asks.
"Sure." replies Natalia.

by LesbianLover_NoDicksForME May 18, 2015

crank suck

To suck the cock of a huge cranker

I’m itching for a good crank suck” Chase said

by Crank suck March 29, 2018

Suck and sniff

When she wants to give you a blowjob and sniff your ass at the same time.

Hey babe you ready for some suck and sniff?

by Dirty Dick April 16, 2020

Suck Pirate

Some who is not picky about what or how they suck

What a f*cking suck pirate

by Mribpd August 12, 2015

Suck a goat

Some people just act and smell like they suck goats. Not to name any names. Sometimes they need to be reminded.

You smell like you suck goats for minimum wage. Go suck a goat.

by drypants August 27, 2022

Suck Fire

Euphemism for the homosexual act of licking each other's asshole after eating chipolte

Dick just came out of the closest and apparently loves to suck fire.

by Jerry LickAsshole August 27, 2015

Suck up

Joshua Skinner.

Joshua skinner is such a suck up jeeeeezzzz”

by Rozski2 November 20, 2018