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Harry Styles

He will feed your fish if you invite him inside your house

Person: Welcome! Make yourself at home. Harry Styles: I’m gonna go feed ya fish luv. Person: What why?? Harry Styles: Cuz I ADORE fish luv.

by the.number.nine November 1, 2020

Harry Styles

A litteral king that write songs about fruits

Person: Did you listen to that song of Harry Styles?
Person 2 : What fruit?

by simpforharrybruh April 19, 2021

Harry Styles

The talented, The perfect man, the one and only Harry Styles, a life savior, a man that you can get obsessed with.

Harry Styles is so perfect

All the people love Harry Styles

by Harry Styles girly January 22, 2021

Harry Styles

The hottest man in the world

Harry Styles is hot

by mightygenss May 20, 2021

Harry styles


That’s all thanks

who is harry styles?
Hot. Periodt

by nitsafff February 1, 2021

Harry Styles

harry fucking styles is a amazing and wonderful and half of the world is in love with his sneezing (cop harry)

oh damn its fucking harry styles

by bobthebuilderfan May 6, 2021

Harry Baylis

The result of a cloning accident which occurred in Central Vienna during the late 2000's

"Have you ever heard of Harry Baylis?"
"He was cloned, supposedly."

by Haybayle November 24, 2022