He will feed your fish if you invite him inside your house
Person: Welcome! Make yourself at home. Harry Styles: I’m gonna go feed ya fish luv. Person: What why?? Harry Styles: Cuz I ADORE fish luv.
A litteral king that write songs about fruits
Person: Did you listen to that song of Harry Styles?
Person 2 : What fruit?
The talented, The perfect man, the one and only Harry Styles, a life savior, a man that you can get obsessed with.
Harry Styles is so perfect
All the people love Harry Styles
harry fucking styles is a amazing and wonderful and half of the world is in love with his sneezing (cop harry)
oh damn its fucking harry styles
The result of a cloning accident which occurred in Central Vienna during the late 2000's
"Have you ever heard of Harry Baylis?"
"He was cloned, supposedly."