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frisky high

The spontaneous need to jack off while high.

Tom: Hey Jeff, where's Andy?
Jeff: He's in the bathroom, I think he's having a frisky high.

by penname84 November 18, 2006

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High M's

Similar to IMs (Instant messages) When someone IMs you while high.

John: Heyy duuuude whats up maaaan

Mike: Dude i said enough with the High M's

by |WLF|DocGriffin August 26, 2009

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High Favre

A Variation of a High Five, excluding the thumb, making it a High Four (and Favre is now the replacement for anything dealing with the word Four. Ex. Nintendo sixtyfavre, One, two three, favre, five) Therefore by the process of substitution, the High Four becomes a High Favre.

After Brett Favre breaks another record or makes an incredible play:

Cheesehead: High Favre!!!!

by Darin O December 29, 2007

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Cal high

A school in San Ramon. All the white kids try to be black. Most of them wear true religion which makes u look like an idiot. The white kids will say β€œbruh” or have a black personality. If u walk in the bathroom u will smell the dab pens that the kids will geek off of. Just remember they are all stupid white kids that try to act black.

β€œHave you been to cal high?”
β€œYes a lot of white kids act black”

by Cal high sucks January 15, 2019

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high diver

A turd deposited into the toilet bowl at such a high speed that it causes spashback directly onto the spectating testicles Cured by the use of a fireman's blanket

Sorry will be out in a minute love, just drying myself after my high diver

by Skid Reeks April 11, 2008

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gloucester high

A place where all the students and even the teachers are on drugs. Most of the people in the school have no teeth, are pregnant and majority of the kids smell like cat piss. Where you get no education and bitched at by every teacher you see. Not only are the students that attend that school strange and obnoxious, they also think it's cool to give their group of friends a really stupid specific name. For example "The Goons," also known as "the most annoying kids in the school." Gloucester high is a pathetic excuse for a school and I feel sorry for anybody who attends it or has.

Bob: hey what school did you go to?
Ashley: oh I go to Gloucester High
Bob: Wow. That's a shame. I'm so sorry to hear that.

by Itsonlytgetruthdoe November 6, 2013

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high rent

Living well, big house, nice car, smart

That chick is out of your league, she's high rent, you can't afford her.

by Grove Girl January 11, 2008

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