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The act of being Mexican.

Ayo I went to Mexico, they were all Mexican-ing”

by Bigmexicanmaster22 October 11, 2022


2 people with excessive amounts of genital hair having sex

I was Wookie-ing my girl all night

by Onzic May 7, 2018


Picking and choosing what benefits my argument for the time being

He always says that when it’s his time, it’s his time. But he be taking his high blood pressure meds. Dude likes picking and choosing, dro-ing.

by Plantains September 19, 2022


To pick and choose what benefits you at the moment.

That guy is always dro-ing, he picks and chooses all the time. He never picks a side.

by Plantains September 23, 2022


Says going to do something else in mid gaming. But that is an excuse to play other games.

N/A Reid-ing

by Золота молоток и серп February 15, 2018


Procrastinating to the maximum as well as figuring out how to write a 2000-word history essay that is due the next day.

God, I wish I could be Georgia-ing today...

by aigroeg naheehs May 23, 2022


Pume-ing, also "puming" from the verb "to pume" is act of behaving like a puma. The puma enjoys sitting around, sniffing flowers, playing, and doing a task and then being distracted to go off puming. Pumas would rather sit around puming, and have a relaxed attitude toward serious tasks.

"I was supposed to tidy the house, but instead I sat around pume-ing, watching TV, playing video games"

"I wish I could just pume instead of having to go to work"

by Professor Bottomeiser November 27, 2023