slut tail involes meeting a slut,getting a wank off a slut,getting head off a slut and fucking a slut...
good slut tail is when the chick is nice looking
bad slut tail is when the chick is fat and fugly
slut tail is diffent to normal sluts,normal sluts just meet anyone,slut tail have a bit more class(n maybe ass) than normal sluts
slut tail still wear the mini skirts nexpossed top its all good!!!!
person-1: I got myself some slut tail yesturday
person-2: nice
Adjective- A rat tail bastard is someone who is sneaky, up to something or otherwise have other untruthful dishonest intentions.
Teddy us such a rat tail bastard. He can’t be trusted.
A LONG TAIL is a definition for rat commonly used on the Isle of Man. This phrase can be used as an insult to someone who is acting “ratty”
Oh Joe bloggs. He’s a long tail
The blast pattern created either on the back of a shirt or back of a toilet seat from high pressure explosive diarrhoea.
John ate that leftover sushi that had been left in the boot of the car for a few days, and gave himself a Peacock’s Tail in the toilet just before his job interview.
When you leave a little bit of shit on the rear of the toilet seat after you get up.
Damn. I just took a shit and left a lion's tail in the restroom. Oh well!
Miles Prower, known mainly by his alias ‘Tails’ is a character in the Sonic series, he is an amber (orange, yellow? Brown? I don’t even know anymore) fox with two tails which he uses to fly! Hence his nickname, Tails, he is Sonic’s best friend and sidekick, but he’s far more than just a sidekick!
Tails is incredibly smart for an eight year old, being able to fly a plane, the tornado, for example.
He’s a very cute, talented kid, and people who dislike him do not exist.
‘Hey dude, did you know Tails’ full name is Miles ‘Tails’ Prower?’
‘I did! He’s such a cool little fox!’
The gang DUMB, STUPID, and EXTREMELY STINKY people join (might not even be a person lmao)
This gang says very offensive words and they CURSE!
P.S: Heads gang is for smart and kind people
A representative from Tails gang: "uwau uwauuwauwuawuawu iam veir shamrt fukk yu heds gann,"
A representative from Heads gang: "haha, a Tails gang insulting us? Sorry I don't remember us insulting you but, that's fine. We all have our different opinions and beliefs. You know what? how about we have a civil discussion.