Source Code

Little Bitch


Jesus Andy you're being such a little bitch.

by Nutterbutter46 June 4, 2019

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Little CB

1. a Little Cock Blocker

2. any baby, infant, or toddler who wakes up, walks in, etc. and otherwise interrupts you and your loved one trying to be intimate.

My girl and I were totally about to have sex then our Little CB woke up from her nap.

by Boonka August 12, 2011

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Little Gray

The skinniest, loudest, most annoying cat in the world. She wears gray, furry pants and has gray lips. You can't help but love her because she just wants to love on you. You feel bad when you have to scold her because she's pretty ancient in cat years (17 in human years). She loves sitting on people's legs and clawing the crap out of you for no good reason although she only has claws in her back feet.

"Little Gray is sitting on my lap and clawing the shit out of my legs."

by Stewchunk December 2, 2009

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Little Einstien

A term used to describe a man's penis that has difficulties reaching an erection. Or another name for a small penis.

I hate my Little Einstien!
He had a Little Einstien...so I walked out.

by Catzz01 March 2, 2015

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Little li

A girl, who is easy to get laid with. She who have probably fucked all her classmates during highschool.

She is a little li.

Little li was with me last night. Today is your turn.

by Tashii777 August 26, 2016

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Little bear

A nickname for a dearly loved son. Given to the son when is really young. Only used by parents who are unbelievably caring and loving. The family is nearest you can be to perfect. Usually the first or only born.

Me and little bear went to the park today.

by Meetcatmemeercatme May 10, 2015

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Little Cesar

An introvert, chubby weeaboo with a microscopic penis

Jesus:Yo yo see that kid over there with the red shirt.
Random Guy:Yeah that guy must be a little cesar

by Haibursa May 24, 2017

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