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Taco People

Another name for Mexicans.

(Credit to the youtuber, Mini Ladd for bringing the name to light.)

1) I love Taco People!

2) Please let the Taco People back into America!

by [TCPV] Some Genius October 11, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Caucasian people

Contrary to popular belief not all Caucasian people are racists or white supremacists. The Caucasian people from USA are the mostly racist ones in the modern era. The other causacian people like the FRENCH, Italians and Eastern European are a bunch of friendly and chill folk and are not obese, stupid or racist like those Yankees. The Nazis in Germany were racist but modern German are also chill folk.

Only Caucasian people in USA are fat stupid ignorant racist fucks

by Carl_Johnson December 30, 2022

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The plural word for E-girl, boy or non-binary person

โ€œI unironically love E-Peopleโ€

by ItsSamstupid June 14, 2019

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The cursed people

the cursed people in definition the names "Lonnie and Sophie" are two cursed people who are insanely weird and/or odd who laugh a lot like absolute idiots

"The cursed people! Look! They're like Lonnie and Sophie! What laughing Maniacs.."

by Grand artist August 18, 2018

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White People

A term used to describe the root cause for every single issue that has ever been seen on planet earth

Ron: ''Oh crap, my wife caught me having sexual intercourse with our daughter.''

Bob: ''Oh, really? Why did you have sexual intercourse with your own daughter?''

Ron: ''Those damn white people''

Bob: ''What did they do?''

Ron: ''They are all racist and sexist!''

Bob: ''Yeah, fuck white people''

by mortenkjensen March 20, 2021

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Black People

1) Noun: People who are black. Actually range from dark brown to very light brown/almost white. A potentially great people who let poor education, poverty and negative cultural influences hold us back. We still have yet to become completely equal in terms of lack of discrimination and equal opportunities, but we're getting there and we're still in the fight. Even if some of us just barely are and some of us in the inner cities just want to get by on hustling until we're killed or put in jail and some of us in the suburbs just care about our own personal financial upward mobility.

Racist white person: "You people don't give anything back to society. We gave you everything."

Black person: "America is a creation of both black people and white people. Go to Google and type in "African-American inventors" and "African inventions" or "African civilizations" and enlighten yourself."

by New Edition Fan July 11, 2008

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Gay People

The best, yet most misunderstood people ever to exist. YES, GAYS ARE HUMAN! NO, HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT AN ILLNESSSS!!!

I am one of the gay people that exist, but that doesn't mean I'm unhuman.

by TheGayistAssEVER June 17, 2019

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