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Pump and Dump

When wanting to leave a conversation but don’t know how to end it.

Welp Steve, I don’t want to pump and dump, but the oven is on.

by Tibby89 August 20, 2022

Pump and dump

A classic definition of a hit ‘n run in the dating world. When a male specimen is looking to pump and dump his suitor aka one night stand.

Hey bro, you calling her again? Or is she a pump and dump?

by Denuit87 August 5, 2021

Dangling Dump

A bag that dangles from your mid section and collects fecal matter, often referred to as an ostomy.

Who knew a dangling dump would be so handy when the bathroom lines were so long?

by TK685 May 7, 2017

Daisy Dumps

A removable, rechargeable, washable, nonrefundable, fragrence ass patch; that dampens the smell of your unbearable gas.

I ate Taco Bell earlier and have a big date tonight, I'd be worried about my gas but I just got my shipment of Daisy Dumps in! Now I can rip ass all I want!

by Rastachickenslut February 24, 2015

Dump wench

Noun: Person or person's in the medical field who's responsibility is to assist patients in The delivery of their food baby and the aftermath.

Have you seen Sarah our new CNA she's a great dump wench.

Congratulations in graduating from CNA school we have many dump winch positions ready on the board in the back of the classroom.

by Cogashuko October 21, 2020

Rolling Dump

The act of immediately bathing after taking a dump. This can be done out of convenience (getting ready in the morning as part of a normal routine) or necessity (little to no toilet paper or just a plain messy dump).

If the shower is initiated before the dump it can also serve to mask common noises heard during the act including, but not limited to grunting, squeaking, banging, moaning, plopping, and echoes.

The term rolling is figurative and not literal. There have been no known cases of an individual physically rolling from the toilet into the shower.

"After downing 2 bowls of my mom's chili, I knew Alex was going in for a rolling dump because the shower started right after he sprinted into the bathroom"

by unevenair February 21, 2012


a total waste of space or time; lacking any worth or meaning

"Everything that comes out of that guy's mouth is total ass dump." or "That person can't seem to do anything right, what an ass-dump!

by MaddiCat March 16, 2018