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News Whore

A person who thrives off of live text news and the like. This type of person can be found having CNN or BBC constantly on the TV and refreshing every 5 minutes on the CNN Homepage.

X: "Dude, there is no news at the moment!"

Y: "Maybe if you stopped whoring out to it then some new stuff will come in!"

X: "I live off news, I can't turn it off."

Y: "Stupid News Whore..."

by RandomDude1313 August 27, 2011

new soup

an abreviation of "new super mario bros". used because the serie's name is WAY too damn long.
may also be referring to a new type of soup that was invented recently.

1) hey dude, wanna play new soup ds? ; sure, why not.
2) i have made a new soup!

by BittoFromDrawa January 10, 2020

Fox News

Donald trump’s propaganda machine. Known for spreading lies.

Fox news: Election was rigged!
Intelligent people: Classic fox news propaganda.

by Balls Obama May 4, 2023

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new suburbanist

A dilussional version of a 'new urbanist'. A person that buys a new condo in a newly rehabilitated building in any downtown - then bitches about the noise, smells and crime. Drives three blocks to work, preaches the evils of fossil fuels and never takes the bike off the top of the car.

These people will also vote to spend sacks of tax dollars on miles of bike paths - that go NOWHERE. NO fucking WHERE!

"I wonder how much extra fuel I am using with that bike on top of my car - I mean per year? Hang on - I see a crowd - I think I'll go over and walk with them."

"Boy, you are one silly son of a bitch, a real 'new suburbanist'. Why don't you sell your spot downtown and move yourself out of harms way?"

by unkleheavy June 22, 2014

New Urbanism

The art of observing a person, place, or thing and concluding it would be better off as a six-storey mixed-use development.

Why would you just build a fire station there when you could but a nice mixed-use development overtop of it? What could go wrong? "-New Urbanism"

by PeptoBismol1 August 16, 2021

News Shadow

The period of time immediately following a big news story in which many other important events take place and go unnoticed.

Many people didn't notice when George Harrison died in November of '01 because it occurred in the News Shadow of 9/11.

by Juan Gigantez February 12, 2012

new earth

The ascended version of earth. The ascension from 3d into 5d. A time of renewal and massive transformation. The golden age of enlightenment, where everyone works in harmony with the earth, and is in tune with their soul.

James - "It seems lately I feel more peace and self love than ever before.....even amoungst the appearance of chaos"
Sarah - "It sounds like your feeling the new earth James, trust the process, we are headed there"
James - "I'm so exited!!!"

Edwin - "It seems like alot of distraction now adays."
Rose - "Yea, but they cant hide the truth of the new earth"
Edwin - "Youre right Rose, this is why we came. I will stand fearless"

by earthseraph November 4, 2021