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Pink Dollaz

A crazy ghetto rap group who rap about using their femininity and clitorises to attract rich sexual mates. In other words, dirty gold diggers.

Oh man, that Pink Dollaz song I'm tasty is so ghetto.

I know right? Who would even think to write a song entirely about clitorises?

by cateasaurusrex March 30, 2011

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pink beach

The area of skin between a girls arsehole and vagina, also known as the gooch

Her skirt was so short I could totally see her pink beach.

by J-P. August 6, 2007

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pink bear

Second largest fear of common man(the largest being an army of whales with rabies). Pink bears haves wings and aposable thumbs. There adorably cute looking and scary dangerous. They act playful to draw in their pray, then shoot the prey with hand guns. Main diet: Polar bears and cigaretts.

Omg! Look at the cute pink bear, he's playing with the ball. Now look, the bear is pointing his gun at me. How adorable.

by The Great Lollipop Licker May 12, 2010

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Pink Lemonade

Cum mixed with period blod

i fucked her on her period and came in her - as i pulled out the "pink lemonade" ran down her legs

by Pippi January 8, 2019

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Pink Tomato

Slang term for a fully aroused swollen clitoris, especially one that is
pink and larger than average. In this state, female
arousal and clitoral sensativity are at absolute highs;
the desire for its stimulation by hand, tongue or
implement is unparalleled.

"He had her so hot, she SCREAMED for him to devour her Pink Tomato!"

by Meezen January 12, 2008

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Pink Panter

A teal haired senior at CHS with large baggy pink pants. He often speaks of smoking his bong in the center console of his shitty Buick and warding off the cops while high. He frequently wears pajama pants to school and he wears a pink taper instead of an actual guage. He used to color coordinate his taper, hair, and pants; not so stylish ey? In other words, he is a tool and potentially fixable by literal or metaphorical castration.

Pink Panters frequently blow thrity-five year old men that are balding.

by kfeaaa March 15, 2009

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pink bath

To so call "bathe" in a girls "pink"; (sexual-intercourse)

"Hey bro you trynna take a pink bath after the game?"
"Dang bro I heard you were pink-bathing with Victoria last weekend!"

by captainniggywidget February 19, 2015

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