People who waste their lives taking photographs of their food and then upload them to social media.
Man, she photographed every dish at dinner for Instagram. What a snack snapper!
I know I'm strictly dickly, because I thought about going girl in college, but I couldn't get past the scooby snacking.
Code that me and my cousin made up for when we want to discuss something but don’t want anyone to hear.
Me: “Hey, is there any new drama with {insert youtuber}?”
My cousin: “yeah, let’s get a snack.”
-both leave to somewhere more private-
when u get a pack of fruit snacks and the majority of them are yellows
My friend tim got fruit snack screwed
Cute little snacks you make out of candy with your mother
Mom-"Timmy, are you ready to make silly snacks with me?"
Timmy-"Mom, I'm masturbating, leave me alone!"
A slang term for murdering and eating 5 men.
P1"Woah bro, did you hear that Remmu stopped for a snack break?"
P2"Yeah, it was crazy!"
Adjective - Last Re Z Ort Sna k
An item of food, typically small and eaten when one is slightly hungry, that is only desired when no other items of food of this description are readily availible.
“I went to look for the cheerios but we were out so I had to have a last resort snack instead.”
“What did you have?”
“A breakfast bar”
“You don’t like breakfast bars (???)”