A variation of "dumb as dirt" used in the graphic adventure video game Full Throttle developed by LucasArts.
Extremely stupid.
Likely conceived for its alliteration.
Ripburger, you're dumber than dirt!
Person 1, "I gotta do something I'll brb"
Person 2, "yeah, it's cool bro. Do your dirt."
A no wipe post diarrhea butthole party (wet or dried). May include : Anal, RimJob, Fingering, and Face-sitting.
Even though she had the runs from eating week old warm tuna casserole, she was feelin' it. I decided to give her the ol' Dirt Road Special, and boy was it dirty. I was cleaning the crust out of my foreskin for an hour.
Dort floor poor means so poor that you can't have anything nicer than a dirt floor. Usually someone who is dirt floor poor lives in a cinderblock house with a roof that has at least 6 holes in it. No glass in the windows.
That girl is perfect for me. She's dirt floor poor. Her clothes are already falling off and since I'm regular poor she thinks I live like a king. Just like the way a woman should be.
Putting two fingers in your nose (one per hole) while giving a blowjow, thus grasping for breath while breathing in.
Man 1: "What's wrong with Vicky? She just came back from the toilet looking blue like a smurf!"
Man 2: "My bad! I just layed a Dutch Dirt Devil on her."
Man 1: "Bet the toilet room floor looks clean as hell!"
What an uncircumcised man experiences after having unprotected anal sex and pulls back his foreskin to find fecal matter spread about.
Taylor loved waking up the morning after having sex with his girlfriend with a trunk full of dirt to flaunt to his friends.
medical term: to give enough medication to render them compliant
That patient was yelling out last night so we had to knock his dick in the dirt!
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