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A guy named Chad.

Tool alert. (Translation: Chad alert.).

by Alppl July 21, 2014


A German progressive rock band.

Tool- I know the pieces fit

Look it up on YouTube

by mmmmm sausage July 25, 2018



Trey is a tool

by Treyisatool April 12, 2018


A) A person whom conforms. often associated with "douches" and "assholes". (1) In the wild, these very unintellegent creatures copy whatever they see, or claim to have done something, but really they just pissed someone off. Often really annoying and doesn't think of what to do in life.

B) a garden or mechanical device of which helps man do great things.

generic callie #1: God that person is such a tool. I hope they learn to think about what they need and want, and not what others tell them to do.

generic prep er.. tool#1: oohh those shoes are like, amazing, aren't they generic douche bag # 5?

generic douche bag # 5) your fucking rights they are babes! lets go buy you them and then I'll show you off to everyone, then dump you the next day because we're a week old!

generic tool #1: OK! :D

Generic Callie #1: >_> what did i just say?!

generic gardener #7.5 vista beta:

oh this tool is lov.. *loading*

generic callie #1) piece of crap windows.. *hits gardener a few times* ah.. Should have had a v8... *shifty eyes* ..scanner..

by your_friendly_tool October 22, 2008


William Henry Gates.

Person x: Who is William Henry Gates?
Person y: A tool, everyone knows this. Everyone.

by keep it 10**2 December 19, 2023


n: Someone smart, infinitely persistent, and ultimately certain to succeed. Often used as a backhanded insult, the term is secretly an honorific.
v: to study insanely, especially if the weather's good.

Of course you finished that jurassic problem set. You're such a tool!

by mrk_123 January 22, 2019



I gave that girl the tool later that night and she loved it.

by Road hustler September 6, 2022