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Urban Dictionary

A free online dictionary for posting bullshit definitions for words and for leaning mindless definitions for words posted by other retarded users.

I am going to use the Urban Dictionary to put a stupid definition for the word cat just for a laugh.

by Wabbz February 1, 2009

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Urban Dictionary

A website that provides interesting meanings for almost every existing word

I know the meaning of life because I looked it up on Urban Dictionary

by JoeShithead July 25, 2008

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urban dictionary

the only dictionary worth using.

Guy 1- Whats a MILF?
Guy 2- I don't know look it up on urban dictionary.

by someguy1 February 19, 2012

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urban dictionary

whatever your're looking at right now

you really have to be this stupid to search up urban dictionary?

by hi im smexi November 10, 2013

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Urban Dictionary

Noun, a website that allows users to define slang that is commonly used but not in the official dictionary.

A: Hi :3
B: umm Hi... WTF is :3?!?1
A:O jeez. Look it up on Urban Dictionary Noob.

by burntby December 29, 2009

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Urban Dictionary

1. misued

2. abused

3. purpose reduced

4. modern manifestation of human immaturity (sadly)

5. initially a great invention; currently a cause for ill intention

6. not a diary or a place for confessionals, however ridiculously slow people tend to think its a perfect location for rants and raves

8. seemingly a popular place for happily exercising and breeding Potty Mouth Syndrome (PMS)

9. brilliant place for ball-less bullies to target their victims.

10. lots more but cant be bothered right now. We have better things to do with our time than to read idiotic definitions which are 95% untrue and write one which actually is (this one duh)

You gotta feel sorry for the inventors of Urban Dictionary. Their intentions were great but clowns will always be clowns. A great place to play immature anonymously. A perfect local hangout joint for cowards to party and light houses on fire. What is the world coming to?

by Rodney, Greg, Peter & Daisy August 18, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

A forum disguised as a dictionary for young white people to try to understand rap lyrics.

"Bro, what does tupac mean when he calls biggie a "mark ass bitch""........ "I dunno let's look it up in urban dictionary"

by hiphopkilla April 26, 2010

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