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who rah (hurrah) ridge

female anatomy, slang term for vagina.

Her shorts were so sort I could see her who rah (hurrah) ridge!

by kttiekat September 3, 2010

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Girls who write conclusions

Satanists who suffer from raynauds and are brunette

β€œHave you seen her over there ...”
β€œWho ?”
β€œThe girl that writes conclusions...”
β€œOh no not the satanist that suffers from raynaurds and is brunette”

β€œGod I hate girls who write conclusions”

by ChickenLeg23 February 12, 2021

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who shot john and why

The phrase "who shot John, and why" is commonly used to describe yourself or someone else when you/they look like a hot mess

Why does Jessica looks like who shot John and why?

I looked in the mirror and realized I looked like who shot john and why.

by iwanttoflingmyselfintothesun February 20, 2018

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Who wants to live forever

A Queen song originally written by Brian May for the 1986 movie Highlander after he saw a scene involving a secondary character's death due to ageing. The song is considered one of the best of Queen and many confuse this as relating to Freddie Mercury's HIV/AIDS, which he was not diagnosed with for another year.

Brian May: There's no time for us,
Brian May: There's no place for us,
Brian May: What is this thing that builds our dreams?
Brian May: Yet slips away from us?
Brian May: Who wants to live forever?
Brian May: Who wants to live forever?

by FatEngineer July 24, 2020

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Who killed Farhad Usmanov?

This strangely unqualified question has appeared in sticker, placard and graffiti form all over the place, prompting many to wonder.

The correct answer is Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan. Farhad Usmanov is a human rights cause celebre in Uzbekistan because his is the most blatant and the most widely protested of many cases of murder of political opponents by the Uzbek regime.

The stickers etc. seem to be the handiwork of the Muslim fundamentalist group Hizb-ut Tahrir, an insidious organisation committed to human rights violations of other kinds (against Jews, gays, women, etc.), but who object to attacks on fellow Islamists and who therefore have a lot of gripes with the Uzbek government. This government is particularly keen on killing Islamists because they happen to be the main opposition force in the country. Farhad was the son of a cleric.

seen on lamp-posts, unattended walls, etc. for months

by Andy April 21, 2004

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anyone who says "uber"

A loser who watches all around too much Southpark, and stupidly quotes it.

anyone who says "uber" needs to ston i can't stand them.

by triplexxxsweet April 6, 2009

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Girls who eat carrots

An idiom illustrating young ladies who "hop" from shallow relationship to shallow relationship with well off men, primarily for gifts, especially jewelery (carats, karats).

Mortimer: I saw Winthrop and Billy Rae at the club with Bunny and Muffy last night.

Randolph: Oh no! We must cock block that, they're girls who eat carrots.

by Roaring Dan June 17, 2021

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