A super wild ride, that can end with you suddenly having to shit while fighting an alpaca.
Jeez, man! You got really high!
I got so molly hun last night I poured orange juice in my cereal instead of milk.
Roasted. High. Stoned. Zooted.
The word high is used when someone is drunk or acting "high". Many people use the word when someone is very drunk and doing stupid things.
For example...
"WOAH! Jade are you high?"
"Shes definitely high"
High can be used in many sentences, BUT im not going to right alot of "quotes" right now. (Because I'm lazy)
the good feeling after drinking lavender essential oil
man i am sooooooooooooooooooooooo high right now
Jason Derulo's favourite word. Also means to have an overdose of drugs
Jason: SO (1) HIGH!!
Me: Gimme your dick....
My friend: Are you (2) high right now?