Top-priority government activity regarding our fins-and-scales friends in da oceans, rivers, and lakes.
In da poem dat Humpty Dumpty recites to Alice, he relates how he sent a special "offishial business" message to da tuna and halibut in which he requested their assistance; however, said swimming-species were not overly impressed or inclined to grant da bombastic egg-head's self-centered wishes.
When a relative of yours fucks you over in a business deal
Me and my cousin have an incestuous business relationship. I work for his construction company and he always fucks me over with the pay.
Another word for saying whats going on or what your doing
Hey what’s up lil boy what the business is or you can say what da bidnezz is
Assertive person that uses financial terms learned from movies like wolf of wall street
-Do you know what is a pigeon investor?
-What are you? A business Paula?
The act of feeding off of the business of others.
"Jennifer was asking why a peer of Audrey's smokes, and Audrey replied, "I don't know, quit being a business feeder."
standing on business means to take care of your responsibilities, practice what you preach, or show that you mean what you say/you can back up your claims.
Im standin on business about my respect!
A synonym for the best club ever. Home to a diverse, hard-working team set out on a mission to to bring the real world of business to AUBG.
Join the place where we do "big biznis".
I loveeee the Business Club with his big, wonderful, glamorous ....... events.
Damn, who makes these amazing professional events? Well, of course it's the Business Club.