Rub a bald person's head and tell them how smooth it is 🤤🌪️
Person 1: hey that man a bald mf
Person 2: I'm gonna caress that head
Person 3: it's may 18 cuh, rub that head
Bald Man: ye
Person 2: smooth as hell
North American show your bush day! Whether you got a landing strip, dense forest or your bald as the lord made you send it.
Heeyyyy girl it’s May 18 show me what you got…
It’s feb 18 you know what that means give carson $50 pls do
It’s Feb 18 give carson $50 mother fucker
Its time to give 1$ to poor Lögen
Donate to International LöuLöu Fundation (ILLF)
November 18 - International LöuLöu Day
This is a nice tradition
People born on augest 18 are loyal people
“wow your so loyal” “it’s because i was born on augest 18 fr”