When educators worldwide join forces to pose grades pre-K–12 Covid-19-related math questions, and to encourage students to have a shot at them, which aims at honing their problem solving skills and protecting them against illogical or irrational thinking.
With millions of people presently being vaccinated against COVID-19, the time couldn’t be more apt during this pandemic for math teachers and homeschoolers to promote the “Get Your Math Jab!” slogan to their students and children.
22👍 41👎
another word for i wanna masturbate...usually said in lisp:)
man 1: I won the math debate!
5👍 3👎
When President Trump repealed the “leftish” Common Core Math, approved by President Obama, with zero idea how to replace it with a better “rightish” math curriculum to help millions of US students compete internationally in math—he just wants to pacify opponents of the “left curriculum,” whose children can’t cope with it, in exchange for their votes.
Does the stand-back-stand-by math sound like some curricular or mathematical equivalent of the repeal-and-replace Obamacare? If politics over math could increase the odds of getting the president re-elected, the risks are worth taking.
257👍 353👎
When someone describes the math taught in Singapore schools as being too difficult to understand, or complains that young students are unhealthily exposed to an obscene number of brain-unfriendly math questions—“cheem” means “deep” in the Chinese dialect Hokkien.
Ahmad who could hardly understand Mr. Goon’s lessons told his parents: “Singapore math, so cheem. I gave up!”
98👍 126👎
FEAR of not understanding the new math concepts.
FRUSTRATION in struggling to make sense of the concepts.
FATIGUE from mental stress and emotional pain in grasping the concepts.
FAILURE in mastering and applying the concepts.
Winners have not only banned the four-letter F-word from their vocabulary when faced with the most disliked school subject, but they have also refused to let the four “F” words in math rent a space in their minds.
286👍 377👎
When the Trump’s campaign team should stop playing the political game by defending their boss’s false claim of fraudulent electoral voting in states where he is trailing his opponent and start admitting that more than half of the electorate had voted to fire the Commander in Cheat or Pinocchio-in-Chief.
As more mail-in ballots in the key battleground states confirm the trend that Biden is outperforming Trump, it’s politically childish or selfish for Trump’s allies and his campaign team to give him the false hope that he’d still win the election via frivolous lawsuits, when they’d tell him off “to embrace math, exclude myth.”
185👍 272👎
on february 9th, we all skip math. horray
did you hear? it’s national skip math day! yay!