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Gordon Burn

A Chinese Burn on your leg.

An extreme form of this kind of abuse may lead to the loss of a limb. Much like Doctor Laurence Gorden from Saw. Only, without the blade.

1) My hands were folded, so the little brat gave me a Gordon Burn instead.

2) Person #1: Dude, what happened to your foot?!
Person #2: You know how I went to Dublin last week?
Person #1: Yeah..?
Person #2: Well, I kinda accidentally kicked a leprechaun on purpose. He was not a happy bunny.

by Purple Harlequin May 5, 2008

Booger burn

Booger burn is when you have a runny nose and your nose is red, sore, and chaffed after you've had a cold. This is most common with sinus infections and head colds. The only way to prevent Booger burn is to use lotion tissues, or apply Carmex under your nostils. It is terrible, and painful. The Carmex will burn but, its worth it because your upper lip won't look like minced meat.

Mom, would you mind buying me lotion tissues? My nose is running and I don't want Booger burn.

Person: WOW. Your upper lip is torn up, what happened?
Other person: My nose started running and class and I wiped the snot on my sleeve.
Person: You should never use your sleeve, I always give you Booger burn.

by Skyler Gonthorian September 19, 2014

frost burn

When you get frostbitten so badly that it looks like a burn.

I got frost burn working at Dairy Queen last night.

by FUCKING GENIUS September 14, 2013

palm burn

When you masturbate to much you get a rash on your palm.

Tim I masturbated so much last night that I got a palm burn and it hurts.

by Jaden8421 October 24, 2018

Lady burn

A lady burn is when you get an angle grinder to a piece of metal while sparks fly at your snatch. This mist be performed while a man whittles a spoon in the corner.

I came home to my Mrs lady burning with the engineer. He made me a nice spoon.

by Monkeybomb113 March 6, 2018

burned urinal

The urinal in between two men evacuating their bladders at their respective urinals that is left empty as a "spacer" due to a lack of dividers between the urinals in the bathroom for privacy.

Aaron: Damn it! There are no dividers between these urinals!

Victor: Looks like we're going to need to make sure there's a burned urinal between you and me. For privacy's sake.

Aaron: Yeah, and I don't want to see your piece, bro.

by Vlork: Mighty Wielder of Sheep June 10, 2011

Virgin Burns

Friction burns on the shaft of ones penis. Caused by violent masterbation.

Dude....last night i got the WORST virgin burns from wacking to your girlfriend.

by PneumoniK May 14, 2012