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Meddle about

- a chase atlantic song
- to fuck

-"ill take you back to my house so we can meddle about"

by Trip3 March 2, 2024


Are there any stand-out features? Maybe why it would make a great first car, a family car or perhaps a runabout.

Had Been Run-About Car For Years: Got Me A to B no problems

by Aesthete_NV July 25, 2019

What the fuck did you just say about me?

The infamous start of the Gorilla Warfare rant.

Jax, your face looks like an elephant.

Jax: What the fuck did you just say about me?


by SexualAnonymous April 8, 2023

Mickling About

The act of behaving in an abnormally silly way.

Lawrence was just mickling about.

by MicklecularForces April 17, 2023

puppying about

Exploring something new and/or exciting instead of focusing on the task that the object of attention was supposed to be used for or following instructions provided on how to use it.

You have to repeat your instructions several times before she stops puppying about and gets back on task.

One of the reports I found while just puppying about earlier turned out to be useful!

by minagica January 9, 2019

know what one is about

be aware of the implications of one's actions or of a situation, and of how best to deal with them.

Here's a sentence using "know what one is about":

She was a seasoned negotiator who clearly knew what she was about.

by Arminkshipper July 30, 2024

Beat About

A usually cheap, sometimes modified vehicle, usually a Off-Roading Vehicle that can be driven recklessly to death, with the driver able to enjoy him/herself without worrying to much about damaging the vehicle except when he or she buggers the vehicle beyond repair and will need a ride home.

These vehicles can usually tend to be easily purchaseable after damaging the last one and can tend to be a good vehicle.

Some Japanese Diesal 4WD's love to be flogged and make a good trust-worthy little car, yet can easily be dented without remorse.

Onlooker- "Jesus Christ!, You completely make a pig sty of that little Isuzu!"

Driver- " No Worries, It was just a lil' beat about I purchased for 1'500 dollars just a week ago.

by Muttl-E July 26, 2009