When you’ve had a rowdy night full of booze, then added on a nightcap shotgun that you didn’t need before sexy time that comes back up on his chest and mid section while performing fellatio.
Bro, I got the most sick Amber Avalanche from my girl last night. She definitely needed that last beer to accomplish.
Wife of Dan Kibbee (a.k.a. Big Walter) Short, sexy, and a perfect match for Dan Kibbee. Quiet at first, vocal, opinionated, analytical, and a pinch of crazy.
Mike: "Yo dude, did you see that woman in the mall giving a chair massage?"
Ryan: "Ya man, she's super chill. That's Amber Kibbee."
super hot 7'6 femenist with a LARGE dick. extra points if they like chainsaw man
zooweee mama!! is that amber mecdorf?!?!??!?! :3333
She is a loving 21 year old girl who dreams of being a surgeon. Her best friend is Zoe LaVerne. Her birthday is February 21.
Amber Van Pelt is a queen.
Amber van pelt is an amazing girl who inspires people to do nice things!.She is a huge insparation!
Follow my account:@vanpeltsboo
Somone:Whos amber van pelt?
Me:My queen duh
A best friend that will do anything for you. They will also cheer you up when you feel down and they will make you feel humoured if you do not feel great. The room will light up as soon as she enters the room. She will also bring along her humourous and unique sidekick Tyler the burrito boy.
We all need an Amber Grace Copland in our lives.
Amber L is a very funny person. One minute she’s your best friend, but if your not careful, then she’s your worst enemy. She very pretty, usually with really nice hair and very smart. She’s quite humble about her talents but she doesn’t mind rubbing it in to her close friends. She doesn’t really have many close friends because she’s too picky, but her bestie is either Grace or Emily. Her zodiac sign is Cancer or Taurus.
Amber also has a very mean side to her and can manipulate you if your not careful so it’s better to have her a a good friend. Don’t ever get on the wrong side of her because she’ll always win the fight. She can be very annoying or hyper, but every human has their faults. One day. She’ll go on to be famous, so watch out for her on Tv
Maddie-Omg Amber L is so rude!
Grace-Erm no she isn’t, she’s the best bestie you could ever have
Maddie- oh, your lucky, your on the right side of her
Grace- OMG nobody likes you Maddie go away