A faggot that does nothing in class and yells "STANK! STANK"
Andy needs to stop slaking and do there work
Andy is a lovely boy who likes trains but HATES school don’t get on Andys bad side or we will give you pink eye and will spit on your forehead
Oh look there’s Andy kicking Kevin’s skull in
a tHEY. somehow they have a girlfriend. their girlfriend is very cute too. they are also very gay. they also might be asexual. (andy /= sex (👉🏻👌🏻)). some people say andy is pretty, but andy thinks they are not cute. andy is very dysphoric. like a loT.
person 1: "who's andy?"
person 2: "oh, just that irrelevant hoe. see they're over there."
Andy is the best friend of all. He demonstrates courage, loyalty and he is fierce in the face of ugly sox. Don't put him in the microwave or he will pop happiness upon you from his penis. Andy the gay cowboy knows no nose. You'd be happy to get an handy from Andy any time of day. Particularly in the morning when the moon light is ethereal in it's glow.
If you know an Andy, then you know what it's like to be loved.
I used to be straight until I had a drink of Andy
andy is the most weirdest person but also coolest person you can met in the world, he’s really annoying at times but also he can be a bitch even when you get to know. He’s NOT good in bed so everyone is lying. Hes bad looking but everyone makes sure to make him feel confident about himself or else he goes out of control. He falls in love way to quick but there friends always give him a advice
andy is ugly
Andy is a weirdass guy. He likes exploring and is very good with kids.
Person1: who is that singing that song?
Person2: He looks like an Andy to me