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Piece of bacon

Piece of bacon mean like big fat guy

You look like piece of bacon.

by Tishmann March 29, 2021

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Barry Bacon

Barry Bacon is a very idiotic guy. He is also normally a bully. If you see someone bullying someone, then you should call the bully Barry Bacon

That Barry Bacon is mean and always bullies everyone else, mostly Robert Petta-Fairbank

by DopiestCashew January 8, 2018

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uncooked bacon

Scraggley ass white bitch.

Ex. My man Tarell left me for some second class uncooked bacon ass ho.

by UncookedBacon November 25, 2015

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nathan bacon

A shit football player who is the shittest player on the team.

Man this guy is such a nathan bacon.

by BeardedViking95 April 24, 2016

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Bacon Brain

Someone who makes illogical comments against veganism, vegetarianism or animal rights on social media or in person, as a result of over-consumption of meat products causing fatty build ups in the brain

Joe Rogan has a severe case of bacon brain

by Ethica Lee September 4, 2020

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bacon pants

When your pants smell like bacon

When I got home from work I made Breakfast for Dinner. Afterward when I was changing into my pajamas I noticed that my pants smelled like bacon pants

by chardmore April 15, 2014

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Wakin Bacon

Waking up to smell of bacon and immediately cramming it down your gullet.

I smelled the bacon all the way from the upstairs bedroom. Aw shit ... its Wakin Bacon time!

by jessyka77 July 29, 2013

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