Source Code

Break-Up Duty

When you are given the task of hanging out with a friend right after a break-up to get their mind off of things.

Yeah, Leroy broke up with his bitch yesterday, so me and Roscoe are on break-up duty.

by Fielding88 January 3, 2007

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gas break dip

this term is spelt wrong.

gas "brake" dip is the correct spelling of the term.

Main Entry: Gas Brake Dip
Function: verb
Pronunciation: 'gas 'brAk 'dip

1. a. one must be in a car and gas it, while simultaneously braking the car which causes the car to bounce up and down as if it had hydrolics. b. An action done in Scrapers, caddy's or any other car with fairly loose suspensions. c. word orininating in the yay area and has become extremely popular due to E-40s song Tell Me When To Go.

Put your stunna shades on

Now... "gas break dip", dip
gas brake dip, dip

Shake them dreads

by nicktomyskins April 23, 2006

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Breaking the Ice Headfirst

Turning an awkward situation into an even more awkward one

Peter was breaking the ice headfirst when he started talking to the girls about his rashes

by Crazed Caveman March 24, 2010

grenade break up

An extremely bad break up that could become violent. Shit hit's the fan like someone tossed a grenade in a crowded elevator, always involving insults, drama and screaming.

After this type of break up there is never a chance of getting back together only a slight chance of future hate sex. You will always despise your ex after this.

Boyfriend: "I hate you and never want to see you again you psycho whore.. were finished!!!"

Girlfriend: "I never want to see you again either douche bag, I'm getting laid tonight by another guy don't you worry!!"

Boyfriend: "Been there done that... I'll be smashing two skanks by midnight, peace out!"

Girlfriend: "You sucked in bed anyways and best of luck with your twizzler dick"

Mutual Friend of Both: "Damn did you hear what happen to them... total grenade break up"

by Chris Waltham December 31, 2011

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break neck speed

to move quickly

accomplished rapidly and without delay

yo! po po's were chasing some bre - that tyrone was running at break neck speed!

by Dchohan November 26, 2007

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Break Sea Level

To defecate in such a quantity that the turd(s) you produce rise above the water level in the toilet bowl.

After eating at the buffet I went home and had to break sea level. I feel much better now.

by asdfwerczvxoiu September 17, 2008

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break up beard

When a guy is unceremoniously dumped by his girlfriend whilst still in love with her and looses all motivation in self-grooming, instead spending all of his time feeling sorry for himself and chain smoking. The result is either a large grizzly adams style bushy beard or a pathetic patchy puberty beard.
The beard is ill advised as although it fits with your new found self image of self loathing, it also makes it near on impossible to get over your ex as all other members of the opposite sex will find it and you grotesque.

dude, it's been nearly three months since brian got dumped by his ex and he stil hasn't shaved off his break up beard. It's disgusting, i can't breath through my nose when i'm around him anymore and i'm pretty sure i saw a piece of pasta in it the other day.

by loooy December 14, 2009

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