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Chad It Up

The action of adding a little essence of ‘chad’ into a thing or action.

*two bro’s hanging out*

Homie one: “hey dude does my tinder bio look okay?”

Homie two: “nah dude I think you need to chad it up a little bit”

by alphabetawook December 12, 2019

Chad it up

To screw something and/or everything up in such an epic fashion, everyone is left speachless.
also known as "Kyle it up" or even lesser known "WTF Steve"

Ryan: Why are all my counts off all of a sudden?
Chad: "My bad bro"
Casey:" way to Chad it up dude"

by FireKlown March 15, 2022

Chad reactionism

When a individual/group decides their policies or actions based on if it gets chad reactions in their discord server general

I believe in chad reactionism
>chad reacts

by HistoricalFanatics June 26, 2023

Chad Luigi

The most Chad being in the universe. Nothing can defeat him or even phase him. The gods themselves pale in comparison to HIM.

"Hey do you know who Chad Luigi is?"

by Chad Luigi September 20, 2022

Chad Thundercocc

A chad with a big cock. Also one of the main artifacts to the Book Of John; A book that is a large part of history, dating many historical events.

Holy shit!!! Is that Chad Thundercocc???

Yeah bro. He literally has balls of steel. Cool to see one of the main characters of the Book Of John.

by St. John Travis Scott-Hill March 17, 2022

Chad da Don

A hardworking man surrounded by the smartest most beautiful women, However, he only has eyes for one woman and that's what makes him a man of integrity.

My name is Chad da Don don and i Love my girlfriend

by beuuuu June 15, 2022

Microwaved chad

Chad but microwaved

You look like a microwaved chad

by Almondsssss August 1, 2021