Doing things you would only do in Discord and not in other apps or IRL
OG.Duke and I have been discording for about an hour.
Arsenal discord high ranks are in-classified species with the class of J (Jerk) class. They probably has an anime profile pictures which classifies them as J-1 (Jerk-1) and probably worships virtual game characters like a god.
They like using a slang classified as Jerk-2 which concludes “Ok and”, “Cry about it” Sometimes bullies low ranks
Good and Kind High Ranks are classified as Jerk-1A. An alternate version of it.
J1, J-2 wastes their life on virtual level.
To identify high ranks, simply look at their level. 25+ is considered high ranks.
Arsenal discord high ranks are a jerk!
The greatest discord on the planet
Bro this distance discord is DOPEEEE
No one on discord day is when no one is on discord this holiday is on december 13th
Wolfgang: Hey todays No one on discord day
Oda: Well darn
It's Everyday, Deal with it.
It's Discord Owner Day today!
December 18 is the discord owner day. Where the owner is allowed to mute all staff members so they can relax
owner: imma mute every staff cause its discord owner day
When someone is being completely irrational and is being mean to everyone or one specific person on Discord.
Man Kyle was tooootally being a discord dick. He wouldn't stop talking about how he was better than us.