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A young adult/teenager who cuts their wrists, arms, legs, etc.

The true emos are the one's that actually do the cutting because they have a lot of things in their life that seem to go wrong, and they are not always just the people who wear skinny jeans, scarfs, black side swept hair.

Word to the wise:

If you want to help your emotional friend stop cutting,

Don't: Threaten to tell someone, Tell them to stop cutting, Say that it makes them ugly.

Do: Be there for them, Hang around with them a lot and let them know you are there for them, Say how much you care for them, & Rather than saying to stop cutting do something about it.

by UnknownGirl32 January 19, 2010

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I want to set the record straight of SO MANY PEOPLE being TERRIBLE to the stereotype of emo.

Emo does not mean you cut your self. It doesn't mean you wear skinny jeans, or tight shirts, or messed up shoes or greasy hair.

There are certain people in the world that don't care what others think of them too much, truly. They actually do like the color black, and while other people might not see their issues as important, somethings are backed with painful memories that are very important. just because their hair is black, or covers their face, doesn't mean they do it just for the sake of having it. A lot of people truly like the style.

A lot of emos ARE artistic, because most commonly being emo is when you're more in touch with yourself then other people your age. In fact, most of the people who are emo don't even classify themselves as emo becuase labels are not necessary.

If you cut yourself, it doesn't mean your emo, and if you don't it doesn't mean you aren't. The two things have nothing to do with each other!

Emo was originally short of emotional, in a musical genre sense. As it developed into a 'label', it means the same. A lot of emo people feel extreme emotions whether they be happy or sad.

I will admit there are emo posers, who cut themselves and dress for the sake of seeming badass, but some people seriously like the style!
Don't be mean about it, because what if I constantly stereoptyped and made fun of you? How would you feel?

Fake: Scratches wrists to make it look like they have scars, reads definitions on urban dictionary to find out how to be emo, goes around saying they're emo

Real: Dresses how they want, acts how they want, aren't influenced too easily, very in touch with who they are, a lot are very artistic and have real issues that are very important to them. or maybe the don't have issues, they're just a very in touch, artistic person

by stygianshadows13 September 29, 2011

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Another dumb thing white people came up with

SAD SALLY: I'm emo and cry about everything.
JIMMY: grow up, you're wasting your life.

by Purple crayon April 25, 2016

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Definitely a miss used word... in my expericance it takes an emo a little bit of time to open up in both feelings and apperance. Just because one is emo doesnt mean they harm themselves or others. Not all emos are quiet, actually a lot of us are loud and cheerful, and mainly cause we hid behind a face, but no all the time. Emos are really chill people and are the best at giving advice. We also have a great taste in music! ;) I feel like people make fun of emos for no reason, and that should change, I believe we should bring the emo era back and people will finally know how awesome it is!

"Yo bro look at the kid he is dressed like a freak!"
"bro chill he's just emo he's actually a really cool guy!"

by hidden by the veil October 21, 2020

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Emo can mean a lot of things, & as with any label, it is just one word trying to desribe something much bigger, so it's not strictly one thing or another, & it's meaning changes over time.

Originaly, emo was a music scene in the 90s & short for "emotive" now Emo is more generaly accepted to be short for the word "emotional" which is not to say one is more correct but that the word "emo" has changed over time.

1. A music genre of a typicaly melodramatic, not always depressing but often emotional rock genre, or a softer version of hard-core rock. Describes bands like MCR.

2. A type of indavidual, generaly a teen, who is very emotional. They may or may not listen to "emo" genre & may or not follow the "emo" style (black hair covering one eye, tight dark clothing, wrist bands...) they typicaly wear alot of black but don't have to, but are troubled indaviduals, often with a mood disorder &/or alot of abuse in their past. Some emos cut themselves or self-mutilate, but not all do. some are suicidal, but they don't have to be.

Alot of people would classify someone as "emo" who really is more "poser," or trying to "be" emo, or any other subculture, in order to get attention. (pretending to cut, making a point of wearing "emo" clothing...) This does NOT go for all emos.

3. Anything particularly dark or emotional. Any writing that is particularly anxty or talks about loss, depression, feeling of being alone or differant. The same goes for any form of artistic expression.

1. I like to listen to alot of music; i like metal, emo-rock, and some alternative.

2. I have been acting alot more emo since i got into high-school, becasue i have had alot more anxiety, and i find myself wearing alot more black.

3. This poem about my dog dying came out sounding really emo.

by POEToftheUNtITLED December 4, 2011

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Emo is a state of mind, or the modern term for depressed. What people say is emo, long hair, guyliner, converse, raccoon eyes, ect. is all called scene. Scene people are bubbly but deep. Emo on the other hand, is where something in ones life seems to have scarred them. They beleive there is no-one to run to, so they bottle stuff up, and or use self harm.

Scene kid: "YAAY! I bought a new Tu-tu and some new liquid eyeliner! VICTORY IS MINE"

Emo kid: "There is that side of me where im sad...but happy enough to fake being happy...then there are those days where i cant even bring myself to be happy"

by xXSH00TiiNGxSTARZXx January 23, 2011

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A stereotype created for people who wear a lot of black, listen to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic!At The Disco, shop in hot topic,dye their hair bold colors, and part their hair to the side.

"Look at that girl over there with the black skinny jeans and the band shirt."
" She must be an Emo."

by just.a.book.nerd December 28, 2016

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