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Caterpillar Fight Club

While many clubs might be difficult to join, not many have such unusual requirements for membership as the “Caterpillar Fight Club.”

It has been described as the club that no one wants to join. And those who become members do so, quite literally, by accident. All you need to do is successfully capture multiple monarch caterpillars, put them on a milkweed stalk and after they have gone to bed, in the middle of the night, one caterpillar will decide to wake up all the others for a thumping, whumping caterpillar fight and engage in a territorial battle violently striking each other over feeding territory.

“Did you hear about Shelby and Taylor?”

“Nah, what happened?”

“They got busted hosting a caterpillar fight club


“Yeah dude, their fine was like 1,000 milkweeds per caterpillar as restitution

by TardyB June 20, 2021

Go fight Yoda

Go: Go

Fight: Fuck

Yoda: Yourself

After being asked if I would like to read the valuable life changing information on this pamphlet, I told the person that they should 'Go Fight Yoda'.

by AT1 August 29, 2014

dolgeville fight club

A group of young men who like to anal buttfuck each other. They meet after school everyday to fight and compare penis sizes. They often shove their penises in each other

Memphis and Jacob are going to fight after school for their initiation for the dolgeville fight club.

by Big oof 772 June 14, 2019

Fight like Ukrainian

Fight like Ukrainian - a signature saying on t-shirts, apparel, posters in support of Ukraine's struggle for freedom

The Fight Like Ukrainian Shirt features two aircraft along with the saying “Fight Like Ukrainian"

by Nuwee July 6, 2022

Alien bean fighting

When aliens fill punching bags with baked beans and proceed to punch them for 36-47 hours at a time.

Do you want to watch an Alien Bean Fighting match with me on Tuesday?

by NazKillerCars7 January 31, 2020

Alien bean fighting

When aliens fill up punching bags with baked beans and proceed to punch them from 36-47 hours

Do you want to watch an ALien Bean Fighting match with me on Tuesday?

by NazKillerCars7 January 31, 2020

Albino cock fight

A albino cock fight is if your having sex with a blond girl she has to punch your cock after u cum on her eyes because she can't see so it's all white. THE GIRL MUST BE WHITE AND BLONDE not to be racist

I had a amazing albino cock fight with my girlfriend last night

by December 23, 2021