Those who grew up with the Harry Potter books and movies (mainly 2000s kids considering that the first Harry Potter movie was released in 2001 and got the series more exposure to the public).
90s kid: We 90s kids are the Harry Potter generation!
2000s kid: Just barely. Considering how the first Harry Potter book was published in 1997 and the first movie was released in 2001, more kids got exposed to it in the 2000s making most 2000s kids the generation that grew up with Harry Potter the most (mainly because movies get more attention than books do most of the time. Just saying).
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Best rapper from New Bedford and possibly best rap artist from the Massachusetts area
You heard Eazy Da General's new mixtape
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the monetization of web 2.0/user-generated content, whereby online users contribute their content to the internet as a form of personal ecommerce. first invented by cafepress in 1999.
synonym: cafepress - as a verb.
Jan's "Forget about Jesus - What would *I do?" just made her enough money for a house payment, thus proving that user-generated commerce is a good way to make ends meet.
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A bullshit vortex generator is a person who speaks lots of bullshit. Wich in turn gets everyone all upset and so on. In essance the bullshit spewed by the first person sucks all of his/her friends into this vortex fo bs
Mike is a real bullshit vortex generator. He was telling everyone at work this lie and everyone got sucked into this vortex of bullshit and they were all pissed at eachother
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I’m just speaking in general… — a story telling tactic used by old southern people when they are actually reading you from head to toe; inside and out; and from womb to tomb. In many ways, this is worse than if they put both feet in your ass and yelled at you about your folly.
“I’m just speaking in general” has four parts: a detailed summary of your past character; a current analysis of your present actions based on things you did as a child; a detailed outcome of you actions based on probability and having seen your story played out in other people’s lives that they have seen with their own eyes; and, an admonition to change your ways if you don't want to end up like the person they are just “speaking in general about.
Boy, I ain’t got no hang ups; I’m too old to have hang ups. Hang ups is for young people — I’m just speaking in general… Oh I knew a boy like you: he was hard headed when he was a baby and he’s head headed now. You know what they say about hard headed people: A HARD HEAD MAKES A SOFT ASSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I’m just speaking in general. But, if you don’t want to end up like that; you better change your ways!!!!!!!!!
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Eric Holder is a perfect example of a token puppet nigger appointed to the position of U.S. Attorney General that functions as dictated by a racially biased, self-serving, administration that will not uphold the law with respect to any legal issue that may reflect negatively on blacks, whom they rely on to further their political agenda(s). At the time of this writing, two major issues face this scum sucking moolie. The first being the refusal to pursue black on white crime as 'hate' crime, even though it is obvious to everybody that this was the motive. The second is the 'Fast and Furious' scandal that ultimately helped cause the deaths of law enforcement personnel. The agenda here being the false argument in favor of banning semi-automatic firearms, claiming they are falling into the hands of criminals across the border. This of course they would hope would open the flood gates to still more forms of gun control in an attempt to disarm the American public.
That shitstain Eric Holder - Attorney General is refusing to present documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal to congress. I hope they don't just nail the spook for contempt, but throw his worthless watermelon ass in the slammer with some Aryan Brotherhood folks. Ever see the videos of this coon talking about brainwashing America’s youth against firearms? A prime example of how a nigger feels this country should be run.
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