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Fuck his Horse

a term usually used instead of fuck him/her. or when you just kicked the shit out of something. after exclaiming that you have done so it would be followed buy "and then i fucked it/his/her horse."

"that guy is such a doucher. fuck his horse."
"dude screw that guy. lets fuck his horse."
"man i beat the hell out of that kid. and then i fucked his horse."

by /Joker/ February 6, 2009

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Hi-Low Blow

The act of holding in a juicy fart while in public, only to sneeze, causing you to involuntarily rip a noisy grumpy at the same time. Usually followed by desperate seat-shuffling or forced awkward conversation in an attempt to conceal embarrassment.

Professor: And so the hypotenuse is equal to the square of . . .
Jim: (Oh God, not now. Why did I eat so many burritos?)
Jack: Dude . . . You alright?
Jim: Ah-CHOO! (flatulates simultaneously) COSINE IS SQUARE ROOTED!!
(Professor squints over his glasses with a puzzled expression. Rest of class stares awkwardly.)
Jack: (sniffs) Dude . . . Did you Hi-Low Blow?

by Chronomancer July 31, 2009

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Thinking With His Dick

Going on a night out but not having a wank before you leave and thinking with your dick instead of your head.

Oh look at Shane thinking with his dick again.

by CFCJoe March 2, 2012

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pooped his pants

When someone seems so surprised or out of character when receiving information, it looks like they could have pooped their pants in shock.

Yo, did you see Matt's face when his babe told him their baby wasn't his?

Yeah man, he totally pooped his pants.

by DizzyAH March 8, 2009

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Soakin' his shit

1) When one is giving gratuitous amounts of praise to a male, usually a female that is "on his dick" so to speak. Soakin' refers to the metaphoric saliva that is soaking the males genetalia. So obsessed with the person they are soaking his dick in their saliva

A female that will not leave the male alone
An annoying aquaintance that will suck up to the other person. Hence, she is Soakin' his shit

by Gooood man May 12, 2009

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Dunkadelic Hi-Flyer

Is a basketball slang term for a player who has explosive leaping ability. The Two-Guard or Small Forward is generally called this term. Has a 35-40 inch vertical leap.

J.R. Smith, Andre Iguodala, and Josh Smith are 3 of the new Dunkadelic Hi-Flyers in the league today.

by Derrick E. Vaughan April 1, 2005

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valley hi piru

Valley hi piru is northern California street gang from Sacramento,ca,they started in 1987 in the south area of Sacramento known for being a small and exclusive gang they were one of the first gangs claiming Piru in northern California they also go by numbers 847 which is VHP on the telephone keys and 7800 which is the block they hang on there still around in Sacramento and a sub set in Atlanta and Savannah Georgia there's alot of sub sets that claim VHP but are not members of the original

gang some notable members are Big Mc,Van,D.chase,Big Fun,AJ,Lil fun,Lil Ru,M3,Lil Macking,Doppa,K-Ru,Sav.Notable Celebrates Ray Carruth.Notable rappers Young Jayda,MAK aka Kizzle,Suga Bear

My friend is a Valley hi Piru.

by WestsideRu April 30, 2019

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