1) created without the use of artificial intelligence.
"Is that picture real?" "Yeah, it's cast iron... totally hand made"
The word Cast Iron is a racial slur that has been used historically to degrade and dehumanize blacks. The word is still used by some people for this purpose, and it is seen as offensive and hurtful to blacks. If you are unsure about whether or not it is appropriate to use the word Cast Iron, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using it in any situation.
Look at this Cast Iron
you trying to be Cast Iron
When the head is so good you're flinching for 60 percent of it.
"That bitch Jirachi Iron Head so good"
When a male or female performs oral sex on a female within a week or so of said females period ending. The iron taste and smell coming from the blood of the period causes this effect.
Guy- yo I ate out my girlfriend last night, her pussy tasted like iron bc she was just on her period.
Guy 2- wow, sounds like you were “digging for iron”
a nugget made of iron, crafted from 1 iron ingot
1: oops i accidentally crafted iron nuggets
2: are they chicken nuggets???
1: No, they are Iron Nuggets there are no chicken nuggets currently in minecraft.
The "Wall" of Iron Balloons sent out mid-game while playing the iphone game "Balloons Tower Defense Battles." It is unavoidable. It is defeat.
God damnit. He just used the Iron Curtain again.
Basically trolls who make these tik tok videos.
i've seen ironic tik toks compilations all day, they won't stop appearing in my recommended.