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Meme Satan

A idiot who has no purpose in life, He just acts funny using other jokes from the internet and somewhat changing

it in a shitty way. His life was filled with unstoppable torture/unappreciation and he changed into the horrible character when he started getting smarter at life in school.

You fucks don't appreciate Meme Satan, go to hell
Tell us a 2018 joke, Meme Satan

by overlordissomewhatdead December 27, 2018

Meme review

A show where PewDiePie(Felix Kjellberg) reacts to memes and rates them.

I give this one a.. good six I will say. NEXT MEME!!!
And that concludes this episode of MEME REVIEW

by lazergamer220 March 18, 2021

Meme review

He clap you die.

Prewds: Clap* clap* MEME REVIEW
You: Stark I dont freel so good.

by XxXDatNormie6969XxX June 3, 2018

Liquid Memes

A category of memes that can fit into multiple situations, much like liquid taking the shape of any container it goes into.

Not to be confused with Dank Memes

"Tommy and I were looking for some good liquid memes for the website yesterday."

by fishjjice June 23, 2016

cedrics memes

BIg old meme lord, some say he makes his own content, some also say the meme legion just recycle the same ones but it’s fine cause we just here for the memes

I love Cedrics memes

by Big old meme guy April 23, 2019

Meme Wife

A person of interest that you share memes with on a daily basis.

Have you tagged your meme wife in this cool doggo vid?

by GhostOfPaulWalker November 5, 2017

Meme foot

When you are sitting on the toilet to long looking at meme and your foot goes numb.

Steve: Hey bro why are you limping?
Ray: I had to take shit and now I have meme foot.

by VulgarDisplay73 June 25, 2018