Source Code

Word Lube

When trying to deliver some bad news - or something that may not go down too well, it may be neccessary to use some word lube to ease the delivery...

It's ok, my mrs has let me have a lads night tonight, i had to use some serious word lube though!


Just apply some word lube and i'm sure she'll agree.

by Maria Khoury January 12, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

L word

L Word is the modern day TV show that depicts everyday lives of urban lesbians. It shows the hardships that they endure through relationships, and how similar their lives are to straight people's lives. It is the Lesbian version of Queer as Folk!

Lets get together to watch the "L-Word" at my house, say 8ish?!

by Abood August 13, 2005

650๐Ÿ‘ 271๐Ÿ‘Ž

cuss words

a word used to piss people off....


fuck, shit, bitch, uncle fucker, muther fucker, donkey raping shit eater, ass, skank, slut, hoe, whore, Barbra Streisand, dildo, condom, fagget, fagget-ass, horny-ass, fucker, gringo, nigger, wetback, kraker, Brittney Spears vagina, cockmaster, suck my balls mr.garrison, mrs.chokesondik, pussy, asshole, and FUCK YOU!!! those are cuss words

by InuYashaFreak64 from youtube September 28, 2007

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A polite way to say what is probably the most offensive word in the English language, "cunt."

Jane: "Bob called me the c-word!"
Sally: "That cocksucker!"

by Ollie the Dog November 11, 2005

1093๐Ÿ‘ 465๐Ÿ‘Ž

word art

Word Art is a text style which can be used in Microsoft's "Microsoft Office" suite. Word Art is generally used by noobs who think it's cool because it's flashy.

Bobby wrote his entire english paper in Word Art because he thought it looked neat. Needless to say, his english teacher failed him because it was so lame.

by remove April 22, 2005

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that's my word

used to reinforce a statement as being factual

possibly a derivitive of "my word is my bond"

Person 1: Ewww, stay away from that one, she's a skank-ass bitch.

Person 2: No shit?

Person 1: That's my word!

by insanemilkman April 14, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

words are hard

when a person is constantly getting tongue tied or is mixing up words; commonly occurs when a person meshes two word with the same meaning

"Hurry up. We're already tate for class."


"We're going to be tate. I mean lardy. TARDY!"

"Yea, words are hard for you, huh?

by PixieVixen April 9, 2009

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