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Pizza slut

A: girl who will do any sexual act just to get another slice
B: a girl who will only have sexual intercourse when pizza is involved in the act

We all worry about our friend Bianca, she's becoming a real pizza slut.

by sleaze ball jones April 13, 2016

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prank pizza

when a prankster calls up a pizza parlor and orders one or more (preferably a large and expensive amount) pizzas with their cell phone with a restricted number, giving another person's address to the pizza parlor so that the victim will unexpectedly find a pizza delivery boy with pizza and a very large bill


Dude 1: dude i just got like 15 pizzas delivered to my house with a bill totaling 300 bucks. I didn't even order any pizza what the fuck!?

Dude 2: dude you just got a bunch of prank pizzas

by bigbadbarbash April 28, 2011

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pizza taco

a pizza folded like a taco. aka, pure awesomeness.

I made a pizza, but didnt have a pizza cutter. solution? pizza taco!

by treeman499 November 21, 2010

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kangaroo pizza

The act of an American man getting some strange from an Aussie female.

Coined because of the fact that Aussie ladies seem to love American meat down-under. They will let you sauce all over them, and toss them around between friends.

Damn man, this fire-crotch Aussie let me and Bill kangaroo pizza her - and all we said was hello.

by GoingDownUnder November 6, 2009

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Pizza Pocket

When a man or woman works out really hard at the gym and doesn't take a shower or re-apply deodorant for a few hours. He/she marinates in this smell which eventually turns into a salty, soupy smell, exactly like a pizza pocket.

Damn, Chuck! Have you showered? You smell like a pizza pocket!

by LDP0926 July 23, 2013

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Pizza Slut

A person who works at a pizza shop and gives away free left over food to say... his local bar after work. A Pizza Slut is also accepting of free drinks for his/her services.

"Yo Pizza Slut where's the pizza?"
"Yo Pizza Slut why haven't you brought us any pizza lately?"

by Eric Dykstra April 2, 2008

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pizza tits

Tits that have big giant pepperoni nipples

guy 1:"Man, look at the size of those nipples!"
guy 2:"Damn, those are totally pizza tits!"

by Sarah Lambert March 4, 2008

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