A wise man once said there’s nothing like a perfect burgur in the afternoon
A wiseman: I cannot wait for that perfect burgur in the afternoon there is nothing like a perfect burgur in the afternoon on a hot summers day
The perfect ending is the Final step in a mens Life, it is Death.
But not any Death. Death by Speed, high speed in a Car Or Motorcycle.
-Paul Walker
-Jax (Sons of Anarchy)
I just want the perfect ending.
Just be like Alice and be perfect.
Alice is perfect in all ways and everyone knows it.
You are Perfect Alice
The ideal result—as defined by the golden ratio—is roughly 1.6, which means a beautiful person's face is about 1 1/2 times longer than it is wide.
Wow, do you see Jordan's face? How wonderful it must be to have a perfect face!
Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but the perfect butt exist.
It actually resides in Spain.
It owner is Bella Noor Bouzar Aboura; if you see her with it, you are not allowed to take any photos.
Damn girl, you have a similar butt to the perfect butt.
The best twice song to ever exist,
Person: what’s the best twice song?
other person: oh it’s perfect world!
Hansol Vernon Chwe from Seventeen (80 degrees to be exact)
Person 1: How would you describe a perfect jawline.
Person 2: Hansol Vernon Chwe
Person 1: You’re a genius