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The occurrence where one is successfully able to excrete feces out of their rectum without requiring the use of toilet paper to clean up afterward, for the feces came out cleanly and smoothly.

After pooping, you wipe once to ensure there is no fecal matter there, If the toilet paper is clean, you have had a perfect-poop.

This morning, I had a perfect-poop. An excellent way to start my day.

by cheno1115 June 20, 2011

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stewin' poop

Phrase used to define intestinal gurgling and rumblings. Often followed by a propt trip to the toilet to unload said "stew".

Damn Homie...I've been stewin' poop all day. Where's your bathroom?

by Tuna810 August 10, 2010

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poop net

(noun) the loose portion of jeans dangling below the butt-region; typically found on those people with wide, flat asses who are unable to properly fill-out their jeans

Due to her Irish-ass and unwashed jeans, Sam had a bad case of poop net in her Levis.

by front porch April 3, 2007

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Poop Eaters

People that eat poop on every occasion day and night.

They get mad when You don’t put poop in your curry rice to make the flavor and texture extend itself.

β€œPoop eating is a religion”, they say

β€œHey Sora are you down to go to the poop eaters competition, to see who’s the biggest nerd!”

by Sora The Troll October 8, 2020

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Chunky poop

When a an Asian man puts his fingers a midgets ass

"What's up Chunky Poop"

by Mikey Ofrd April 28, 2019

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Prison Poops

The art of defecating while locked away in prison.

The two worst things about prison are Prison poops, and dick-hole butt-shims.

by Dontusemyrealname December 1, 2010

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das poop

Stupid German way of saying β€œOh Shit Thats Poop

*Crahses into manure truck* β€œDAS POOP!!!”

by πŸ˜‚Wes8761πŸ˜‚ October 18, 2017

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