Is a great brother and perfect person who has a dodgy tattoo on his right bicep.
Wow look at that Robert.
A Robert is the best person, friend or boyfriend in the world he is smart but acts dumb, he is drop-dead gorgeous, yet denies it and if you ever insult him or do him wrong he will apologise even if he is right, he gives the best advice for your benefit knows how, when and why he says it and an amazing kisser, many think of him as cocky, stuck up and a fuckboy in some case but those who really know him see that he's not he is not popular and usually shy and introvertive around strangers but he is definitely admired by everyone. and the greatest part of all ladies, trust me from experience he is amazing in bed because he still shows love towards you and not what you'd expect him to be staring at if you are ever privileged to have him in your life don't be foolish NEVER LET GO, MARRY HIM
Girl 1: UHH, I yelled at Robert because I said I need space and now that he gave me space, I regret letting him go I hope he forgives me.
He is just so amazing and talented and I couldn’t ask for anything better. His smile is adorable and he has pretty blue eyes and brown hair <3 :) when he looks at you you feel like you might pass out because all you think about is him and he’s everything to you, and you never want to lose him, because without him you would be nothing. His personality is a bit of a mix of shy and really outgoing. He thinks about everyone before himself and is a very caring boy. :) he may or may not have freckles and glassessss :)))))) he’s super beautiful and I would never ever ever ask for anyone else, because to me he’s perfect and nobody could be better than Robert because he makes my life complete. He loves basketball and baseball and he’s super super great at both, especially baseball. Best on his team tho ;) Robert’s are really nice to you ( I know from experience ;) ) and when you’re around him, your a better person. He’s super funny and makes your life better <3 he’s all you want and if you ever see a Robert, get to know him a bit. He may just light up your life like he did to mine. 👉🏻👈🏻💞💞💗
Girl #1
O my god! Look how good looking that boy is, and he’s amazing at baseball!
Girl #2
Yep.. that’s a Robert for sure. Cutest boy on earth, no cap.
Hey what’s up?
Girl #1 & #2
If you meet a Robert, just know that man has a massive wang.
Through the years Robert has come to appreciate the Pink Cigar between his legs, and it has made him the man he is.
"God I want to be with Robert"
A person who always considers themselves trustworthy, reliable and a standup gentleman. They are rarely many of these things, they are so forgetful, they would leave their head at home, if it wasn't for the work pass around their neck!
D: Hi good morning, how are you today?
Robert: "oh no! i forgot my head and pass at home"
D: Classic Robert