Source Code

Sheffield Sandwich

When a girl places a flaccid cock and balls between her feet and squeezes

them together as hard as she can. Also known as a "Billinghurst Surprise".

I took her back to my hotel room and she gave me a Sheffield Sandwich.

by MsP January 21, 2015

aluminum sandwiches

cans of beer

Becky and her friends are dragging us all to a gaudy picnic, better pack a slew of aluminum sandwiches.

by Yuri Zhivago September 4, 2021

Buzzword Sandwich

A failed attempt to appear knowledgeable about a subject by just spouting off buzzwords, all sandwiched together, usually in the form of broken, heavily accented english, in response to an IT question.

Q: What is an IP Address
A: We can use IP technology, google queries, powershell answers, and collaboration to reach out and circle back.

Amit used a Buzzword Sandwich rather than just saying she didn't know

by Peter Gozynja September 4, 2019

Sandwich painting

Before adding the actual tuna or egg to your sandwich, spreading mayo on a piece of bread using that stupid little pastry brush.

Sandwich painting isn't very useful if you want to eat healthy. Duh that's because mayo is too fat for us humans.

by Sexydimma June 2, 2023

The cheese of the sandwich

Describing someone who is the filling of the sandwich; the person who keeps a friendship or family together or someone who spices something up a little, a bit adventurous

My sister is the cheese of the sandwich

by virgin media.c0m November 22, 2020

champagne sandwich

A threesome where one guy ejaculates in a woman's vagina at the exact same time the other one ejaculates in her butt.

"I heard that Jackie had a champagne sandwich last night! That must have been interesting."

by Randy Lioness May 15, 2014

cigarette sandwich

When you either have no food in the house or you’re on a low calorie diet and decide to have a cigarette instead of a meal.

The cupboards are bare and I’m too drunk to drive to the store, guess I’ll just have a cigarette sandwich.

by The real daydr33mer May 5, 2019