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Social Parasite

A person who thrives on others and benefit by deriving money, time, and emotions at the other's expense(s). S/He not only maintains but expects friends to support and sponsor her way of life while the said parasite may even manage to extract money and wealth from her friends to spend on her/himself, i.e. fashion, vacations, advancements. In return if said parasite make attempt to give back, it was often used as superficial avenue to glorify or benefit him/herself.

Colleague 1: I was at a friend's wedding and saw Irina with her new boyfriend.

Colleague 2: Oh God, what did they do?

Colleague 1: Well, she didn't bring get the couple a wedding present, her boyfriend ate all the steak from the table, got horribly drunk and offended a couple of people.

Colleague 2: Sounds typical trashy behavior.

Colleague 1: More than that - they're social parasites... when the married couple came to our table to toast, Irina said the them, "For your wedding present, I'll give you two tickets to my next show."

Colleague 2: Wow. I think I've seen one of her shows - it was horrible.

Colleague 1: I don't have the heart to tell her otherwise.

by Mac Taler May 16, 2014

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Social life

Having a social life is when you are actively with or hanging out with people, usually a very social person.

β€œAdam doesn’t have a fucking social life like Sean.”

by BlazikFyre June 16, 2018

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social fallout

The girl who used to be the most popular girl in school. The one who all the guys wanted to date, and all the girls wanted to sit with at lunch, and punch at the same time. Until people realized what a bitch she was, and nobody gives a shot about what she has to say, and someone takes her spot as the the most popular, and she becomes a social fallout

Tiffany: Omg Becky thinks everyone likes her, but really nobody dies anymore
Kim: Ya she's the social fallout of this year
Tiffany: Ya nobody even cares about her anymore

Kim: Ya, Zoe is the new Becky. Everyone loves Zoe now!

by Fbgmgetreal November 16, 2015

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Social Bandito

A Social Bandito is person who does there own thing, they don't need to be with peeps all the time, they're just chilled, laid back and independent.

joe: hey steve let's go for a beer tonight.

Bloggs: ye sure, is fred coming?

Joe: nah, he's doesn't want to, he's busy doing something.

Bloggs: ah, he's a social bandito.

by Gintana March 18, 2010

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Social Vagrant

A person that somehow manages to perpetuate a life of zero responsibility by being very socially acceptable (cool and funny), living off of friends and family.

That guy James is a Social Vagrant but he's so cool it doesn't matter to me that he drinks all my Rum.

by KillianZane December 14, 2010

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post social

a band from Williamsburg that helped re-start the music scene in 2001. Many bands in the area were influenced and encouraged by their live shows to start their own bands. the band died in March of 2004

Did you see post social last night? Is their drummer Turkish?

by demon hunter 86 August 27, 2006

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A form of self-promotion by which you promote another individual's website/blog with the expectation that they'll return the favor.

Jim is social-jerking every single blog post on twitter.

by theremorse February 23, 2012

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