The cutest of all long dick types. Smells of great mahogany and money. Has very good ninja skills and a bad ass in all ground game technical grappling aspects. Me have a temper but also has a heart of gold. You want to be him if you're a man. All females need him in their life.
One sexy hot rod that is in no way gay or homo.
Dane: Hey, isn't that kid gay or something?
Sharbach: Of course not! He is Captain Steve 02!
The day Steve Carell was born who is the one worshipped by the church of Steve carell on August 16
Yay! It's Steve Carell day I'm so happy
You the man steve is a definition all girls named kaylee with blue eyes and ugly face and ugly died hair.
Sma:oh thats " you the steve man "!
Mas:he has a big booty
You the man steve
Steve Urkel Syndrome is a disorder in which the suspect has an extreme, almost creepy, infatuation with a person who does not wish to engage in romance with the suspect, even attempting to actively avoid them. Common symptoms include: obsessive tendencies, dressing like a dork, social ineptness, snorting, and stalking.
Steve Urkel Syndrome is named after the Family Matters character Steve Urkel, who had a serious lust for Laura Winslow, who absolutely despised Steve Urkel until the later seasons, in which they became an item.
many stalkers and rapists exhibit Steve Urkel Syndrome towards their victims.