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Kid Logic

Strongly related to "kids say the darnest things". The kind of logical considerations one would typically expect from a young child. From a simplistic perspective they may seem rational, but usually will not hold up under a more mature or approach to reason or fact.

Example 1: Kid Logic

"Every year I get a little older and a little taller. Someone who is very old must be a giant!"

Example 2: Kid Logic

"An adult said it so it must be true!"

Example 3: Kid Logic

"Peter Pan can fly, so can I!"

by Logic With A Twist December 21, 2011

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Fuji kids

A group of people who are Funny,united,joyful,intelligent they stick up for each other and it’s a hard group to get In only the best of the best

I really wish I was a Fuji kid

Fuji kids the best of the best

by Dhshannahahahwv October 26, 2020

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pontune kid

An absolute legendary kid who yells beeeeeaaaaaanzzz and claaaaaam Choooooowder on a northern Californian lake and when he leaves you he mentions that he’s said too many cringe things and gives you the peace sign while saying β€œbravo six going dark”

Yo I heard pontune kid on the pontine saying β€œbeeeeeeaaaaaaanzzzz”

by Coopie lindberger meeeshmee August 1, 2021

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No Sabo Kid

Is a derogatory term to define a person, who's family is of a Hispanic/Latino decent, who isn't able to speak Spanish.

What? You can't Speak Spanish? What a typical No Sabo Kid. Why don't you speak Spanish, was is because your parents were lazy and couldn't teach you, or are you trying too hard to be "white"?

by Fiddllddy September 21, 2023

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Dumb Kid

An insult used when someone, typically older than the user has done something that the user wouldn't have done themselves.

You're a dumb kid

by The Dumbest Kid May 22, 2018

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minigames kid

A kid in gorilla tag that will never shut up about wanting to play minigames and is always 5 years old or under.

β€œdOeS aNyBoDy wAnNa pLaY mInIgAmEs?” Ah god, lets target this minigames kid.

by JaJaDaJa June 27, 2022

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ramp kid

ashe boo

i hate ramp kids

by boobdestroyer June 1, 2021

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