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Text book

Most obnoxiously and overly weighted book on earth. Used to make students stressed and tired. Causes brain cancer.

My teacher gave me a new text book so I am dead.

by LordBobiscuis October 6, 2014

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Text Chop

To take a section of text and edit it as a method of insulting someone.

Wow Rich just done Kev with that text chop of Bush's speach on homosexuality.

by Tain London June 1, 2007

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stutter texting

when you dont know how to respond to someone, and you type sensless letters in no specific order.

Bob: I screwed your sister last night...
George: Uh... cjesg cmgrfushv,hbugui <-----(this is stutter texting, my friend)

by jhgfhdtjdgfk January 15, 2011

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To Text an old Flame, While you are fucking someone else.

Or Texting a current girlfriend, While fucking another girl.

You can be the recipient of a fuck text.

Get fuck-texted on.

I was banging Tracey last night and I deceided to Fuck-Text Dawn.

by Immature922 May 15, 2009

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over texted

The act of being exhausted from sending and receiving too many text messages and/or e-mails on your phone or blackberry

I am way over texted from people messaging me about a million things.

Similar to over sexed

by yellebelle April 9, 2009

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group text

a clever and coy way to start a party or see what's going on by texting a large number of people the same message at once; can result in interesting responses if two or more of the recipients are together and the originator is not aware

Matt: What are Tom, Dick and Harry doing tonight?
Bob: Dunno. Let's group text them.

by A Ann November 16, 2007

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columbo text

Deliberately omitting a vital (or not) piece of information from a text, only to send it in a second text a moment later, prefixed with the phrase "just one more thing" - either for the purposes of annoyance, or simply because its awesome.

Texter A: hey man, you still on for pizza?
Texter B: yeah, I'll see you there
Texter B: just one more thing...cool. Trololo
Texter A (having had to get his phone back out) : fucking columbo text

by visualsquid August 20, 2012

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